What Does the Term “FOMO” Mean in Crypto?

Fear of missing out, or “FOMO,” is a term you’ve probably heard thrown around in crypto. But what does it mean? And why should you care? 

A nervous Trader putting a trade out of fomo

Stick around as we unpack this psychological phenomenon and its impact on your crypto journey.

Understanding FOMO: A Basic Definition

What is FOMO?

The term “FOMO” stands for “Fear of Missing Out.” It’s a psychological state where the fear of missing a beneficial opportunity triggers anxiety and hasty actions. 

In the crypto realm, this often means buying a coin at its peak or selling too early because you think you’re missing out on gains.

Origin and Popularity

FOMO is not new and certainly not exclusive to cryptocurrency. However, it has become especially pronounced in the crypto world due to the extreme volatility and the 24/7 nature of the market. 

The term has become so popular that it’s now a staple in crypto jargon.

Psychological Underpinnings

The fear stems from the social anxiety of missing out on something rewarding. Social media amplifies this in the crypto space, where people often flaunt their gains, making others feel like they’re missing out on a golden opportunity.

The Impact of FOMO on Crypto Investments

Emotional Decision-Making

When FOMO kicks in, rational thinking often takes a back seat. Traders make impulsive decisions, such as buying at an all-time high or panic selling. This emotional trading can lead to significant financial losses.

Market Volatility

FOMO is also a driving force behind the extreme volatility in crypto markets. When a coin starts gaining value rapidly, FOMO can drive even more people to invest, creating a feedback loop that temporarily inflates the asset’s price.

Long-term Consequences

Investing in crypto is risky enough without letting emotions dictate your actions. FOMO can damage your immediate financial situation and discourage you from re-entering the market, causing you to miss genuinely good opportunities later on.

Identifying FOMO Triggers

Social Media Hype

Platforms like Twitter and Reddit are often the birthplaces of crypto FOMO. Users post about their massive gains or the next “moonshot,” creating a sense of urgency for others to invest.

News and Announcements

Media coverage and official announcements can also ignite FOMO. When a reputable website or influencer endorses a particular coin, it’s easy to feel you need to invest immediately.

Personal Experiences

Sometimes, past successes or failures can act as triggers. If you’ve missed out on a profitable investment before, the memory of that experience can make you more susceptible to FOMO in the future.

Tips to Manage Crypto FOMO

Stick to Your Strategy

Have a well-defined investment strategy and stick to it. Don’t deviate from your plan because you see others potentially making quick gains.

Do Your Research

Before making any investment, thoroughly research the asset. Make sure it aligns with your long-term goals and risk tolerance.

Take a Break

If you find yourself consumed by FOMO, take a step back. Disconnect from social media and news platforms that might be fueling your anxiety.

The Flip Side: FOMO’s Positive Effects

Increased Awareness

Ironically, FOMO can sometimes be beneficial. It can catalyze people to educate themselves about cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, which is crucial for mass adoption.

Market Participation

While it can lead to poor investment choices, FOMO drives market participation. Higher trading volumes and liquidity are vital for the overall health of the crypto ecosystem.

Community Building

The hype generated by FOMO often brings people together in online communities. These spaces can be educational and offer emotional support, helping you make more informed decisions.

Famous Cases of Crypto FOMO

Bitcoin’s 2017 Surge

Perhaps the most infamous case is the late 2017 Bitcoin boom, where FOMO drove the price to nearly $20,000, only to crash months later.

Dogecoin Hype

The rise of Dogecoin in 2021 was fueled mainly by FOMO, driven by celebrity endorsements and social media trends.

NFT Craze

The surge in popularity of NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) has also been a hotbed for FOMO, with people spending excessive amounts on digital assets.

How to Safeguard Against FOMO

Diversify Your Portfolio

A diversified investment portfolio can safeguard against the extreme volatility that often triggers FOMO.

Set Realistic Goals

Realistic investment goals can keep you grounded and lessen the anxiety leading to FOMO.

Consult Financial Advisors

Consulting a financial advisor familiar with crypto can offer a more balanced perspective for those who find it hard to manage their emotions.


FOMO is a powerful force in the crypto universe that can dictate market trends and individual investment decisions. Understanding its triggers and impact can equip you to make more rational choices in your crypto journey. 

So the next time you feel that anxiety creeping in, take a deep breath and think before you act.

Mihail Ghelbur

A husband, the dad of two daughters and a crypto investor since 2017, passioned about finding new opportunities online and creating content. The founder of castletourist.com and altcoinhelper.com.

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